Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh my heck... only in Utah

 Oh my heck.... this statement never ceases to cause a chuckle to escape from me when I hear it. I'm not a cusser by nature ( unless extremely provoked), however the My heck phrase just seems  wrong to me,lol.  It just seems half-harted with out umph.  However after living in Utah for ten years I have used the phrase a time or two, see my newest silly example below.

My car Christine decided to have a coronary (I thought Oh my heck!, lol) just as I was getting off of west bound I-15, she needed open heart surgery ( a new fuel pump) to save her life which sucked a pretty penny out of my GTH ( Go to hell) fund. Which at the time of my cars issue was not a fund I could get to unless I was in the same location as my safe.  This really made me think I needed to put my GTH fund in a place it could be reached in the event of an emergency with out having to get back to the safe.

Thus my new "To heck in a handbasket" fund was born, :o).  Soooo in the event Christine tries to die on me again, I can go to heck in a handbasket quite easily. :o)

Tina D.
TD Gift Solutions, LLC

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Christa McAuliffe Space Education Center

One of my fondest memories in Utah is the year we took our group of homeschoolers (ages 10 and up) to The Christa McAuliffe Space Center. The kids and parents a like talked about this adventure for many months after. My son is in college now but he and his friends still talk about our day at space camp.

The center is set up to be an interactive adventure for all who participate. Upon arrival your group will be briefed on their mission, the rules of the center and what to expect. Groups can be anywhere from just six persons for one of the smaller crafts up to about 30 I believe.  After the mission briefing participants are assigned jobs on the simulator craft selected. To create the best possible interaction of each mission the center has a staff who works behind the scene to play the parts of the friendly and not so friend alien races you meet along the way of your mission.

On our six man craft we were provided uniform tops that were very reminiscent of Star Trek, assigned jobs by our captain (me :o), control panels for our assigned task.  At the designated time your mission begins and you and your crew get to react, plan and  even some times rescue survivors of other ships.

I would recommend this fun adventure for school groups or even as a family outing if you have children who are at least ten years of age. Its fun to see how every one reacts to the simulator and the voices of the actors playing the other races.

Have fun in space
Tina D.
TD Gift Solutions, LLC